FQ series FQ seriesFQ14 black series FQ series of waterproof circular electric connectors accord with the standard DZ4Q/RE008-84,which is certificated by Ministry of the electronics industry administrative bureau office.The product owns advanced structure,high dependability,small volume,light weight,excellent waterproof,and the bayonets are connected quickly.The pins and the down-lead of jacks are made by welding.As these character rustics,it"s easy to operate and it make a low price which is more reasonable.Of all these characteristics it was widely used in electric connection among various kinds of electric equipments,and the pin and jack would changed as your requirement.
FQ18 series FQ series of waterproof circular electric connectors accord with the standard DZ4Q/RE008-84,which is certificated by Ministry of the electronics industry administrative bureau office.The product owns advanced structure,high dependability,small volume,light weight,excellent waterproof,and the bayonets are connected quickly.The pins and the down-lead of jacks are made by welding.As these character rustics,it"s easy to operate and it make a low price which is more reasonable.Of all these characteristics it was widely used in electric connection among various kinds of electric equipments,and the pin and jack would changed as your requirement.
FQ142 series FQ series of waterproof circular electric connectors accord with the standard DZ4Q/RE008-84,which is certificated by Ministry of the electronics industry administrative bureau office.The product owns advanced structure,high dependability,small volume,light weight,excellent waterproof,and the bayonets are connected quickly.The pins and the down-lead of jacks are made by welding.As these character rustics,it"s easy to operate and it make a low price which is more reasonable.Of all these characteristics it was widely used in electric connection among various kinds of electric equipments,and the pin and jack would changed as your requirement.
FQ14 grey series FQ series of waterproof circular electric connectors accord with the standard DZ4Q/RE008-84,which is certificated by Ministry of the electronics industry administrative bureau office.The product owns advanced structure,high dependability,small volume,light weight,excellent waterproof,and the bayonets are connected quickly.The pins and the down-lead of jacks are made by welding.As these character rustics,it"s easy to operate and it make a low price which is more reasonable.Of all these characteristics it was widely used in electric connection among various kinds of electric equipments,and the pin and jack would changed as your requirement.
FQ series FQ series